Vic, Bob, Marty, BD, Herb, Janne, Floyd, Bass Thumper, Tommy, Muzic Tax, David, Ray, Dave, James, firesong, and Brad:

Thanks all for the listens . . . it is, as always, very much appreciated . . . as is the gracious feedback. A few responses to some of the comments:

Floyd and firesong re the drums: Yeah, when I stumbled upon this RealDrums track it took the song to a different level, and, for a change, it felt like a fit right from the get go. So no processing on them other than some very basic EQ’uing.

Bass Thumper re 7 Guitars: To be honest, I was a little surprised when I first wrote up the band lineup for this post that I had that many guitars in it. I had to go back and double-check . . . but sure enough, it was seven guitars. That said, it’s somewhat misleading, in that they are not all playing at the same time and obviously are playing at different volumes, so hopefully that helped keep it clear enough.

Stay safe and well all—
