Yes, I bought it as soon as it was announced. It's ludicrously cheap and I was delighted to find it does exactly what it says on the tin!

I've been at this recording lark for years and although I know all the theory of EQ, FX, etc. I've always been frustrated at how I can know all this stuff but still have to do zillions of trial and error tweaks to try and get the finished sounds I want. By which time my ears are tired, all creativity has evaporated and I'm depressed. I guess that's what comes of working alone as opposed to being trained in a pro studio by a pro.

With EZMix you can very quickly audition complete 'bundles' of tweaks, for example with vocals selected in one dropdown you can rapidly audition complete sets in a second dropdown of EQ, reverb, compression all combined together by an expert, then stop when you like what you hear. I first used it on the vocals of the last track I posted here and got a great sound on the vocals literally in seconds!

I know some purists will hate it on the grounds that they hate presets, when their real underlying objection will be something like "Hey, I spent years learning this stuff and now amateurs can dial it all in straight away!". I guess there were tape purists who took years learning how to cut and splice with razor blade and sticky tape only to see their skills made redundant overnight.

Anyway, five stars from me. I'd have paid twice the price for it and it's certainly the best purchase I've made in years!

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