Originally Posted By: BlueAttitude
Hi Bass Thumper,

I like the constant drone you have happening underneath with the changing elements on top to keep things interesting.

Bass sounds great, and I like the melody on the flute.

Your poem would work well as a spoken word thing happening on top of the music I think.

I enjoy listening to your work, keep them coming!

Hey Dave, I really appreciate your kind comments. It's funny how you and others describe my work in terms that make total sense but that I don't realize while producing it. "Constant drone" is a good example. I just try to communicate musically in ways that make sense to me and hope that something I do might make sense to others.

Maybe Vic will volunteer to speak some of the poem . . . he has a great voice.

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.