Originally Posted By: vicarn
Well done. Nice mix and melody.



Originally Posted By: F.M.M.
Hi Scott, really great job. well mixed love the vocal really well-done!! thanks for sharing f.m.m.

Thank you for listening and commenting:)

Originally Posted By: Achordocaster
Very nice. I really enjoyed this. The band sounds great, wonderful vocals!
Nice job getting the oooh's & ahhh's to work that well. I have been unable to make that happen... Yet!
I agree with the James Taylor references, but also hear a good deal of Buffet in there.

Well done!


Thank you for all of that, Greg! I guess we're never far from the music we grew up listening to.

Originally Posted By: rayc
I'm glad you finished this - it's a cool little thing.
RT oohs n ahhs can be challenging to mix. I find they need a lot of reverb and, occasionally, some tuning.
I enjoyed the song and the chorus is really nice.

Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks for the spin.