Originally Posted By: Birchwood
Hi Ray,
I had the same feeling as Dave; "what a long intro". But I loved the chords progression and how the bass played in it.
Very nicely done!
And then the drums came in. So nice!
But there is a lot more to listen to, like the melody itself and that organ. That has a very important role. Liked it!
If I listen carefully I can hear "Oooh, la, la laaa", so I am curious how you gonna sing those very long and cool, but sometimes, not easy to understand, lyrics (for a poor Dutchman).
Are you also planning a kind of chorus in the song?
As I said, I'm curious...

Thanks Hans,
The lyrics are a mix of recollections from 50s/60s suburban Australia as well as references to the evil that is often forgotten in the nostalgia.
I've added oohs and such.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe