What i mean by software gaps is that there are far more software packages for PC than Mac. PG for instance. BiaB for Mac is still not on par with BiaB for PC, PTPA and RB are not available for Mac, Sonar is not Mac, Cubase and Logic are, and garage band, but several others are not. Both platforms are very useable. But there is a lot that is not available on Mac, that PC has.

As far the Steve's take or should i say "retake", some have had that experience, but for the most part i do not hear that much of that. When it happens it is frustrating. If an interface loses conectivity then i do not beleive it is the PC fault, rather there is some glicth there that needed attention. I have been DAW recording for almost a decade not and have had almost no issues, that were realted to the PC, but mostly either a bad plugin or some pilot error. I bet there are 10 PC users recording to 1 Mac user. So you are going to hear more problems from them. Most of the people here are PC users, and I do nto hear to many bad stories, just some cool music being made. Now if you read the Mac forum, you hear more problems there. No the Macs fault, it is just that it is harder to port software to.

I bet that if the truth be told there are glitches in the Mac world as well. I have two friends that are Mac folks and both have had hard drive failures, and one had several other issues.

As far as the DAW issue if you do not record much what difference does it make. Get the mac and try it out. I for one think that one should have a separate computer as a DAW. I used one for everything for years, and that is where i found issue. Since i dedicated my older system to recording it is smooth as a babies behind!

Lenovo Win 10 16 gig ram, Mac mini with 16 gig of ram, BiaB 2022, Realband, Harrison Mixbus 32c version 9.1324, Melodyne 5 editor, Presonus Audiobox 1818VSL, Presonus control app, Komplete 49 key controller.