Originally Posted By: firesong
Brian...I don't know how long it takes you to do the production on one of these AI songs but they are so cool...and your use of BiaB and plus your own playing is top-notch...I really enjoyed this...my only nit with the whole thing is the diction of the girls...it's perfect and that's not human (duh!) but putting aside those perfect girls I enjoy your songs so much and this is no exception!

Thanks firesong for listening and your feedback. Much appreciated!

I've actually never calculated how long it takes me to complete a song, so let's start with this one:
looking at the timestamps of the audio files, the song took about 7 days, it started with the first chord progression in BIAB on 03/21 and the final mix was completed on 03/27.
I spend about 2 hours a day on music (give or take, it depends on my family), so this song took about 14 hours from start to finish.

Sometimes it goes faster (especially when I start with older material), sometimes it goes slower, many songs are abandoned after a few days because I can't get them to work.
I usually spend most of the time on the lyrics and melody and the least time on the harmonies and mixing, I'm pretty quick there. All my songs are unmastered.

The videos usually needed about the same amount of time, but I decided to make simpler videos to have more time to write the music. I'm (kinda) a musician, not a director smile
This video took me about 4 hours to make (plus the time my PC rendered the video during the night).

Making bits and bytes sound good...

Goldmania Bella - A One-Man Girlband with no fans
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