Cost: Synthwave Instrument $89, Midi packs are $29 each

So I bought The Synthwave instrument plus New Wave Midi and Synthwave Midi. You could play with these three things for It provides some of the same sorts of sounds that are in Kontakt.

The Toontracks website is very unclear about what comes with this Synthwave instrument. They infer an upgrade to EZKeys 2 when it gets here. They don't say how that would actually work or what it cost, or if you are buying this instrument as an add-on to your current EZKeys stuff. The added value stuff is only indicated when clicking "add to cart." Even then, it does not tell you anything. There is no value at $179 for standard if you own EZKeys.

Here is the Synthwave Instrument page link so you can see what I mean.

I will order the EZKeys2 software for whatever value it may or may not bring. It is not a material amount of money compared to what I have already spent on Toontracks stuff.

What is less clear is the value of EZDrummer3. What will it do that Superior Drummer3, which I own, does not do?

The bottom line, if you are concerned about what any of this costs, the video Dan posted will give you some idea of how unethical their pricing structure is.

Unfortunately, we live in a world of corporate come on BS.

I think their products are worth the money. I think their deceptive pricing structure sucks.


EDIT: I did some testing with Synthwave. There is a bass part with 30 presets. Any of this can be played out in EZBass and Trillian. Also, all third-party midi I put in Synthwave worked without issue, including midi I created on my keyboard and drew in by hand. I tested midi from BIAB also without issue.

As far as cost is concerned, good midi at $29 is better than crap midi, even if you pay me to try the crap

Last edited by Planobilly; 04/04/23 01:40 PM.

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Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo