Many professional fingerpickers go to the salon and get acrylic nails, as Billy mentions. Most places will do the 3 or 4 fingers on your picking hand for about 10 to 15 bucks. There are some old wives' tales about letting your nails breathe and not leaving these fake nails on too long etc. That is just an old wives' tale. Your nails don't breathe. They get their nutrients from your blood system.

As for your cuticles. The most important thing it to not damage them. There is no harm is they are covered etc. They are there to provide the barrier at the base of the nail to prevent infections etc. If you ever do go to a salon to get fake nails, they will push the cuticle back and even trim it with cuticle scissors to keep it healthy.

The professionals that don't have great nails to begin with need the fake ones to make their living.

Chet used to wear a glove on his right hand when traveling and before shows to protect his nails. I have seen him play with a fake nail on one of his fingers before, obviously damaging it at some point.

There is a good product out that called Guitar Player Nails. Guitar Player Nails They are kind of a chore to use, but you may get the best nail you have ever had when you are done. They have videos and pictures explaining the whole process.

I use my natural nails now. I used to use the acrylics but I got tire of doing that and my real nails are pretty good. I file them regularly and shape them as well and use Hard As Nails by Sally Hansen to keep them hard and try to protect them. You need to learn how to file them properly so as not to create weaknesses that will sometimes split etc.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.