There are addictive famous musicians, addictive non-famous musicians, and addictive non-musicians. The famous ones get more press.

And it's not only drugs.

A local guitarist I knew had an addiction to sweet foods, type 2 diabetes killed him. Too bad, he was a nice person and a fantastic musician/teacher.

And I understand, my father killed himself with doughnuts, but he at least lasted until his early 70s.

I've done my share of recreational substances, but I don't have the overdo problem. I'm good with the shy side of moderation. It's just my nature. I'm lucky that way.

Thinking about it on the basis of what I know from meeting famous musicians that we opened for and met, the thing I would find about being famous that would be the biggest irritant is the pressure.

  • You need to get a new album out while this one is hot, and it needs to be better
  • You have to be ready to be interviewed on the _______ radio show at 8AM tomorrow
  • You have a personal appearance at ________ records and tapes at 3PM
  • Costume fitting for your next tour tomorrow
  • I know you gigged late last night, but the tour bus leaves at 6AM sharp
  • and so on

After that, being out in public anonymously would be difficult. When I was gigging on cruise ships, we had mini-celebrity status. We'd be in port and a number of people wanted to talk to us, which was pleasant and very flattering, but there were times when Mrs. Notes and I just wanted to be alone in a new place to explore. We'd occasionally take a taxi away from the tourist area of the port to just enjoy ourselves in private.

That's the price of fame, and if famous, I'd be as kind to those people as I could. I wouldn't shut them out or refuse to sign autographs, because it's just part of the job and you owe it to them. I'd feel the love from them and try my best to return it, but there would be times when I'd just like to go somewhere and not be recognized.

I try to take everything in stride.

Dream on Notes—there is no chance of that delightful burden landing on you at this point in your life.

Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks