Notes talking about being out in public anonymously reminded me of Mick Jagger going out for a beer in North Carolina I think it was, last year sometime maybe? Nobody recognized him and he wasn't wearing glasses or a hat like some of them do. Took a picture in front of the bar even! Sometimes it just works, I guess. All the big ones I have met have been very gracious, willing to talk for a question or two, maybe take a picture etc. I don't bother anyone when eating, or with family. Met David Crosby like that in the Fess Parker Inn in Los Olivos, CA. Near where he lived. He was talking with some guys in the restaurant. When he got up to leave, I asked for a picture, my wife took it, told him I was a huge fan and what a great guitarist I thought he was and off he went. Very friendly, big smile, making jokes. Met Pat Boone in O'Hare one time. He wouldn't give me the time of day. Handed me a brochure and took off and this was way, way after his peak in the business of course.

Met Chet Atkins a couple of times. Friendliest nicest person you would ever want to meet. Tommy Emmanuel also. Just as friendly as he could be.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.