For whatever reason, I have met a good many famous people. Living in LA, I guess that is less surprising.

I always try my best to treat them like people first. I don't ask for autographs or photos. The advent of cell phones and selfies has changed that a bit, I guess.

Kris Kristofferson asked if he could share a table with me one day in a very crowded bar in Orange County, Ca. I knew who he was but had never met him before.

He sat down, and I said Hi, how are you, man or maybe Hi, Mr. Kristofferson, as he is at least ten years older than me. I don't remember. I don't think we said much about music or acting. There were a couple of cute girls that were distracting both of I did ask him something about flying choppers. I knew a tiny bit about his history.

Sometimes famous musicians get tired of being defined only by the music they do. And sometimes people act completely stupid around famous people. Like knocking over tables when you walk in the door of a restaurant trying to be first to get your autograph.

It is sometimes fun to be well-known, but it can also get to be a lot of work trying to figure out who you can trust.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo