Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Psychedelic Rock...The 13th Floor Elevators
There were guys in Texas who got sent to the Huntsville Texas State Penitentiary for terms of forty years for smoking pot, mostly black guys.

Well know story, (well, I've known about it for tonks so it can't be a secret), & a decentish doco on Utub to expand a little:
"The Elevators were vocal proponents of marijuana and psychedelic drug use,[11] and were subject to extra attention from law enforcement agencies. In 1969, Erickson was arrested for possession of a single marijuana joint in Austin. Facing a potential ten-year incarceration, Erickson pleaded not guilty by reason of insanity to avoid prison. He was first sent to the Austin State Hospital. After several escapes, he was sent to the Rusk State Hospital in Rusk, Texas, where he was subjected to more electroconvulsive therapy and Thorazine treatments, ultimately remaining in custody until 1972. During his time at Rusk, he continued writing songs and poetry. Family and friends managed to smuggle out some of these poems and, in 1972, self published the book Openers, intending to use the proceeds to hire a lawyer."


Not comprehensive, not broad, basically a set of opinions, but he does cover some of the important stuff:

Last edited by rayc; 05/25/23 04:35 PM.

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