Originally Posted By: fgrittner
I just realized that most of the comments are posted by people like me that upload their songs to the forum. I appreciate their feedback but I wish that the many hundreds who are listeners would post their thoughts. You don’t have to be a songwriter or Band in a Box “pro” to tell us what you like (or don’t.) For myself, I’d like to know your thoughts, observations, feelings ….

You do know that it works both ways don't you Fred?
Mind you, I don't have "...the many hundreds.." experience.

With the accordion and other instrumentation it has a definite Ry Cooder Chicken Skin Music vibe to it though the vocals are much mellower.
A little manual de-essing would be nice as, occasionally,the sibilant bits seem to jump - could be the reverb.
The bass seems to lean a wee bit left.

"What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?" - N.Lowe