Now let me guess, if I pay to read this author's book, or go to a seminar, then I too can be one of the 75 people out of 50 million trying to get a cut???


And If I am not the artist's brother or producer the odds are............


Would I be better off as an Indie artist writing the best songs I can that I want to write and doing my own thing with shows and indie releases instead of dropping acid and thinking someone is going to take my whiskey song over at Warner Chappell???


And I wonder if the percentages have dropped since Irene wrote her article?


They have puddin' in the rec room!! I better get my walker and get shufflin,

I think I see my old buddy....John...think his name was John...John...John...John, John John,

Oh hell, not even he can remember, what did I say? Where is my pill!!!!!