Hey Bernard, AI talk was real big around here in the first few months of 2023. I went back and found some of our biggest conversations on the topic. Most of these revolved around ChatGPT in generating lyrics and Synthesizer V for generating vocal tracks. Enjoy the reading!

Songwriting Forum:

Dreamtonics Synthesizer V

AI-written Lyrics

I need some feedback on this AI vocal and Alt Rock track

What is your basic starting process writing in synthersizer V?

Recording Forum:

Amazing AI Vocalists - What Do You Think?


BIAB/RB 2022, Pro Tools 2020, Korg N5, JBL LSR 4328 Powered Monitors, AKG/Shure Mics.
PC: Win11 PRO, 4 TB M2 SSD, 2 TB HD, 128 GB Memory