This video was OK.... but the guitar player needs to up his game a bit and they need a certain something I didn't see or hear. In all fairness, it was a studio set up and not live in front of a crowd that was feeding energy back and forth.

For a significant part of my musical stage life, I was in a 3 piece band. It didn't start that way however. I was hired into a 3 piece band that was mostly country and had a rhythm player who sang. They were established and had jobs booked. Originally they did an Elvis show with a fairly decent EP impersonator. He either quit or they fired him for one of a hundred different reasons but they decided to continue on as a straight up country act.
I was brought on as a lead guitar player and backup vocalist. All went well for a couple of weeks until one night the singer/guitarist didn't show up for the gig. We had a choice.... tuck tail and go home or power through and do the gig. The drummer decided that he would sing all the songs. He had never sang lead before. The bass player told me to follow him because I still didn't know all the songs, especially the beginnings, since the other guitarist would start them out. We managed to pull off the gig and completed the weekend to a crowd that loved what we did. We busted our butts the following week learning how to play properly as a 3 piece band and continued to play through 2 incarnations of this same line up over the next several years. We were quite formidable and developed a reputation as a solid band. I was essentially a rock guitarist who brought that mindset into the country band trio setting. My playing style was and still is to a large part rhythm with fills. From a rock perspective, this was the perfect combination for the band who's drummer was also from a rock background. If nothing else, we had fun at the gigs and that translated to the audience. One club mgr told us that he had serious doubts about hiring a 3 piece band but that our sound was fuller and richer sounding than some of the 5 and 6 piece bands he booked. That's a cool compliment and yep...we'll take it. And a 6 pack to go.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.