Originally Posted By: Elliott Kayne
Man you really know how to put together a song. Everything from the choice of real tracks, delicate touch of your arrangements, solid lyrical content,
Impeccable vocals that blend with the lyrics and backing tracks to give a point of view to the listener.
Everything about this song works.

Certainly appreciate that, Elliot...

Originally Posted By: PeterF

Superb! Nothing else to add.


Thanks! Peter...

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
“yea, there's some age in my eyes
a bit of gray in my hair
but i think you'd be surprised
by what I'm feeling here”

Love that!

The build is fantastic and when you started with just the guitar and your vocal Janice said, “just listen to that voice!”

It’s all been said but we’ll repeat it:
Lyric, melody, vocals, band, arrangement, mix, etc are waaaaay high bar.

Another great collab between you and Michael!


smile smile smile smile smile