Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
I did get to meet a lot of great players during the time I competed in flatpicking contests.

That doesn't make you a better player or a better person. It just means you met some people. I used to drink beer with Joe Walsh when he was at Kent State. That doesn't make me a better person or a better player.

PS He rarely bought.

I earned some "cred" among those guys by winning or placing in several contests. But I never had any delusions about being "great".

Then there should be recordings you can post, right? Nobody here knows if you can play at all because you have never posted any work. Play us something from your professional charts written in 2/4 time. Post some of your work. Shut me up!

LOL. Eddie, even if I believed in god then I don't think even he/she could shut you up. There's a live radio program posted in my tag line that's an hour long. Feel free to listen to it if you're so inclined. Or don't. It's just me and a couple of really good friends.

Flatpicking contests typically aren't recorded unless done so by a friend or family member. My wife was packing our son around on her hip so she wasn't doing any filming.

I still don't understand your infatuation with me proving I'm "great" since I've never said I was. I'm just your current target for you to try to spread your misery on. I ain't buying into it. Spread your self loathing elsewhere.