Originally Posted by Greg Johnson
LOVE IT!!! Great idea.....we need to have a lot more people think about making daily deposits smile Piano sounds killer, ALWAYS lover Peter's guitar and Janice's Oh So SWEET voice!! What a treat!! Take care. Greg

Thank you Greg!


Originally Posted by WaoBand
I love this song! cool And Janis is spot on re the good karma in the bank: I contacted my hybrid elf-genie Goddessfather, the Golden Meanie, and he hacked into your sub-ether bank account - naughty, I know - and you've got oodles of good vibes in credit, not to mention the all-essential Ascended Atlantean Dollars! He said to let you know that the sub-ether credit card, KarmaMerit, now triples your good vibe input, but to avoid FengShuiCard as it doesn't matter where you place the statements they always give you a headache! It's anti-intuitive, I know, but when I sought a good ley line for keeping my FengSuiCard statements I came out in a rash all over my etheric double! shocked

Tripled? Wow! That is appreciated smile
Thank you for the listen and watch ... and for the supportive comments.


Originally Posted by dcuny
I'm late to that party on this one!

Janice's vocal goodness plus Bud's stellar mixing and Peter's tasteful guitars.

Plus butterflies!


Glad you liked it all! And yes butterflies ... actually many, many more than showed in the clips smile


Originally Posted by animarorecords
Janice, Bud and Peter,

It's a really well maintained beautiful park.
“Celebrating Nature Brings Wings to Your Spirit & Peace to Your Soul.” is clearly embodied.
I'm sure Janis' performance will be of great help in maintaining the park.
Great video.
Peter's guitar also supports Janis's singing very well.
Enjoyed my listen and watch a lot.

Best regards.

Shigeki Adachi

Thank you Shigeki ... it is nice hearing from you!

Originally Posted by Noel96
Hi Janice, Bud and Peter.

This is truly exquisite listening. I remember it from 5 years ago and as with vintage wine, time has been kind and has made it tastier and sweeter. The video is superb. I love watching Janice sing. There is an elegance in her vocals that warm and soothe a weary soul. She makes singing look so easy and uncomplicated. Everything about this presentation sits perfectly. The arrangement, the mix and the performances from Peter and Janice.

"Beautiful music in the best way possible."

100% enjoyable in every way.

Noel, firstly it is very nice to see you back at the forum and, secondly, your generous and eloquent comments are greatly appreciated!


Originally Posted by tommyad
I remember this from the first time. It is definitely an upgrade with the cool new video from that special place. The mix, the vocals, the guitar are all exquisite and serve as another example of the craftsmanship of all 3 of you. Tom

Thanks Tom for all that ... and we love your new song!