Originally Posted by rayc
The chorus is a lovely tribute to Pat & Co. Some of the lyrics seem forced but, (Then my shirt, It gets so torn), generally, they "sound" fine.
It does, to my ear, miss a classic jangle solo...you could've pulled that off as a rhythm solo with the arp guitar.
Sounds cool.

Thanks, rayc!

I'll look at the arp guitars solo idea. There's space around the bridge to slide something cool in there, or add a bar or two, I think.

I didn't write the torn shirt lyric, but I like the slight ambiguity it introduces to the narrative. So many lyrics with adult themes lack any attempt at an artful approach these days...

Yeah, I probably yell at the kids to stay off of my lawn, too.


DC Ron
BiaB Audiophile
Presonus Studio One
StudioCat DAW dual screen
Presonus Faderport 16
Too many guitars (is that a thing?)