Originally Posted by David Snyder
Yes very 80s! Reminds me of the Smiths and bands like that as well.
Well done though.
I love that 80s sound.
Great job.

Thanks, David! The Smiths still sound fresh to me. Don't think I can listen to Girlfriend in a Coma without smiling must a LITTLE bit...

Originally Posted by Ezekiel's Storm
This is the type of music I love. Good work. Excellent vocal and harmony.

I agree with Ray: I would bring down the vocal volume a touch.

Catchy as heck.
Ezekiel, thanks for the kind feedback and input on the vocal level. I fiddle with vocal level endlessly. It's always my final edit. Then it's my first edit when I re-mix. Ha!

DC Ron
BiaB Audiophile
Presonus Studio One
StudioCat DAW dual screen
Presonus Faderport 16
Too many guitars (is that a thing?)