Originally Posted by vicarn
Hi DC.
This races along nicely.
When I first read the lyrics I thought it was going to be slow and sombre.
Nice surprise.
I agree with Ray that the lead vocal is a tad loud

Vic, thanks for the listen and comments. I'm conflicted about reading lyrics before listening, though I usually can't resist. Glad you were pleasantly surprised just the same! This song is an example of what I think of as a "sad song sung happy". Many of the lyrics I get are dark, and I would get bored making them all minor key dirges. So would listeners.

Gotcha on the overloud vocals. There are some techniques I've used before to head this off but I've gotten slack with them of late. Back to work then! Ha!!

DC Ron
BiaB Audiophile
Presonus Studio One
StudioCat DAW dual screen
Presonus Faderport 16
Too many guitars (is that a thing?)