The SWAM instruments are indeed very good, and great fun to play using an expressive controller (MPE or MIDI wind instrument). They are somewhat expensive, but well worth their price IMHO.

There is another, slightly cheaper packaging of some of the SWAM instruments in Geoshred (, a really inspiring MPE controller/instrument on IOS), that I find even more rewarding to play. In the GeoSWAM shape, they are more geared towards performing, and they play really nice and beautiful from the Geoshred controller as well as via my EWI.

The GeoSWAM collections as well as the Naada instruments (south asian physically modelled instruments) are currently on sale, ends today. But even at regular price, I find them well worth it.

Here are GeoSWAM and Naada in action:

Note: I have no affiliation with Geoshred, I'm just an enthusiastic newbee user.