The Biz,

I notice on the image that your Realtracks are N/A. Have you re-built Stylepicker. Also, when I get N/A displayed like it is in your images, I go into Realtrack picker (the old one, not Multipicker Library) and choose "Rebuild and Fix" at the bottom of the Realtrack picker's window. I usually get a message that says something like "nothing to fix" but it corrects the problem.

As Misha points out, it is necessary to regenerate songs that have frozen tracks (but don't unfreeze any tracks). Support have probably already told you the following. Just in case they haven't, though... It's also possible to regenerate individual frozen tracks and provided they are not unfrozen, they will regenerate the same track that was present when they were frozen. What freezing does it to keep a record of the timestamps of which parts of a Realtrack (or Realdrums or SuperMidi Track, etc.) were used. The timestamp record also keeps information on the length of order of the sections. This allows a track to be re-created.

Did you install 2024 over your previous version of BIAB or put it in its own folder?


I don't have lots of songs with frozen tracks, but I tried some SGU files that I knew had a track or two frozen from 8 - 10 years ago and they generated fine.

Audiophile BIAB 2024