Greetings... how all is well for y'all...
I have just finished installing my 2024 UltraPak upgrade. So far I love it. What a difference compared to my 2022 version. No more waiting around for it to generate and re-generate after changing one or two chords or a part marker. All this new found time means more time with the wife laugh

However, I have come across a problem. Whenever I bring my song into my DAW, everything comes in as it should - except the drums. The first 7 bars are there and then that's it. Nothing.

I'm aware of that tiny speck on the right hand corner of the plugin that I've checked for "count-in" and "ending." I've tried to bring in other songs that I previously done in my 2022 version which were all working fine, and I'm getting the same - drums disappear at the 7th bar. I've also done a new song from scratch with the same results. I'm really scratching my head over this one. I've never seen it before so I really don't know where to look for a remedy.

Any help, as usual, would be so much appreciated!!!
