I have listened to this multiple times - my thoughts are below. I recognise the time, effort and talent you have put into this. Sorry if you feel any of the negative comments are harsh or unjustified. Thanks a lot for posting the song.
Date: 16/12/2023
System: Headphones
Genre Pop
Key C
Duration 4 30
Overall impression
Nice groove
Clear message
After 5 listens, still enjoying this one quite a lot and – in contrast to nearly every song I hear – I’m quite confident that I will still be recalling parts of it (notably the chorus) tomorrow.
All in all – congratulations on this piece Deej! There’s a good reason for all these positive comments above!
Song (musical structure, melody, lyric, …)
Some seriously good rhymes here (suspicion / wishin etc.)
Unusual but effective chord progression in chorus section
Like the wall of guitars – they generate a very solid platform for the song.
Like the indie inspired vocals - good use of phrasing
Not sure that the harms contribute that much to be honest
Mix / Production
Nicely put together – vox sit well over the music tracks
What I really liked
Pre-chorus – these are just great when done right!
What could be improved
Comes in too long for my tastes. If its catchy enough, its long enough. Flowers comes in at 3:10 and that streamed 100m times in 7 days!!
I would have dispensed with either the bridge or gtr solo – probably the latter. Could quite easily lose the entire outro section at 4:10.
Had it been me I would have reserved the pay off line “But I still do” for the very last repetition of the chorus, which would have the advantage of maintaining tension in the lyric.
Maybe a couple of chords too many in the bridge section at 2:28, but this is a minor point.