Sorry for not getting back to the thread sooner but something came up in the real world that has kept me away from my computer squawk box.

I'm using Studio One Pro in Windows. I'm using the plugin the same way as I always have. When I pull in a biab song I select the PG Music plugin (instrument) from my list of instruments and drag and drop it into the track in the daw. I then open the song file in the plugin and then generate it. Everything goes well. I drag "all" into the daw. Once there, all the instruments are there on their own tracks as they should be, including the drums except the drums only play until the 7th bar in the daw and then nothing. Flat line. Strange that it is only the drum tracks are affected. I've tried existing songs and new songs and get the same results either way. I've dragged just the drum track into Studio One - same result. I've tried doing the same thing in Reaper. When I bring the plugin in, all the tracks are either blank or it crashes.

The plugin shows that it is the 2023 version even though I upgraded to the 2024 version. When I start up biab, the splash screen shows that it is version 2024 opening up. Everything works the way it should as I'm building my song in biab. I save and shut down and all is fine. The problem starts with the plugin. I had no problem with anything before I upgraded.

I was chatting with PG for over 2 hours last Friday night - a really big shout out to Simon for spending all that time with me working on a resolve. We tried uninstalling and then reinstalling the main program to C:/ bb to no avail. (all the real tracks are installed on a separate SSD internal drive) He is off for the weekend and said that if it isn't fixed before Monday he would get back to me to continue working on the problem. Just goes to show how good PG's customer service is.


Last edited by bobbyt9999; 12/17/23 12:13 PM.