Originally Posted by Janice & Bud
You mentioned, "Recently I got the bug to get a slightly more custom drum track with more realistic sounding drums and started looking again at JS."

I'm curious as to more info about what you feel is not realistic with RD's. Likely it's because I'm not a drummer smile But and FWIW I feel that using RD's via comping around with the fills and building some bits with components from the RD sample file yields some nice results. I've run some of my efforts by an excellent drummer and he felt all was good. Perhaps no trash can outros smile but good.


Please don't misunderstand ..... I have been a huge fan of the BB real drums tracks and more recently of the stems available. Way back, I found Jamstix and used it to build my drums. That was a huge step up from manually trying to mouse in, then copy and paste the drums. Jamstix was very cool and essentially built a workable drum track for me. It still had issues but saved a ton of work. I bought BB around that time and intended to use it for the instruments but soon discovered that it could do the drums just as quickly and in some ways easier and quicker than JS at the time. I've been doing that now ever since. But in my never ending quest to raise the bar on my music, I have focused on seeing what I can do to make the drums a bit better.

I've been fairly impressed with the RDs, but even so, there are things about the RDs that are, for want of a better word.... Lacking.

One of the big issues I've had with the RDs is that they are mostly full kits on one track. Stems have changed that to some degree, but you still only have what is on the tracks to work with. If you want something different, you have to figure out some way to get it done. Some, but not all of the RDs are not as crisp and real sounding as I would like them to be. Probably due to either recording techniques or file compression.

Anyway, I figured I'd have another look at JS since it's been over 12 years since I last used it on a regular basis and what I'm seeing is that it has come a long way from the early days. It's not the easiest thing to figure out because there's a lot of depth to this synth.

My next song will most likely have JS playing the drums. So keep your eye on the showcase. Sometime in January most likely.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.