Originally Posted by Janice & Bud
You mentioned, "Recently I got the bug to get a slightly more custom drum track with more realistic sounding drums and started looking again at JS."

I'm curious as to more info about what you feel is not realistic with RD's. Likely it's because I'm not a drummer smile But and FWIW I feel that using RD's via comping around with the fills and building some bits with components from the RD sample file yields some nice results. I've run some of my efforts by an excellent drummer and he felt all was good. Perhaps no trash can outros smile but good.


Perhaps you'd be willing to share some of your experience and knowledge on this Real Drum topic in the tips and tricks.
Sometimes I feel Real Drums gets me to "good enough" when I really would like better.
I've been working more with Logic drummer, especially the percussionists. This extra drum track allows me to mix real drums a little lower in the mix
Doesn't fix everything but sometime it helps

Any tricks you find that you'd be willing to share would be appreciated.


Logic Pro X