Hi Alan,

Originally Posted by Al-David
Hi Hans,
Your music is always original, interesting, and well done. Like Mario, I have a different view than your lyric portrays. But that's okay. Your talent shines through. The arrangement is killer, as is the production. You are a man loaded with talent. I admire your recording skills.

Take care,

Thank you for all the beautiful words you wrote about me!
I appreciate you listened to my song, despite your problems with the content of the lyrics.
As I wrote to Mario, I will explain why I wrote them this way:
I am concerned about what is happening nowadays. I made quite a few song about that topic, as you know.
I wanted to avoid becoming a caricature of that messenger (the one with long gray hair and a sign above his head that said "the world is ending"). You certainly know that drawing...
That's why I changed that angle in this song.

Nice days ahead,

Hans Berkhout