
I was just speaking with God a few minutes ago and He told me to tell you how much He loves you and He's giving you a big hug from afar.

He said He listened to your song and He's sorry that you're so down in the dumps here at Christmas time, but that he loves you anyway and knows that you're one heck of a nice guy.

He said He's just sending some super hugs from heaven and hoping that you have a very very Merry wonderful and fantastic Christmas with your family and that one day He'll see you soon and He'll give you a big old fat kiss on the cheek and just tell you how much he loves you, and He will have His big Godly arms wrapped around you, and can't wait till you can come visit him in heaven, cuz you're one heck of a guy.

Also He said to tell you to cheer up a little bit and go have a beer or something cuz it's not that bad.

He said beer is proof that God loves you and wants you to be happy.

Happy holidays!!
