Well this exactly why most negative things are said about BIAB. Because of redundancy, un needed complexity and clutter. Why?
Because some people don't embrace change, threatening to stop upgrading, etc., instead of making constructive suggestions & comments. And most of us, I will stress it again: MOST of us suffer from endless bugs and unfinished features, specifically because attention is diverted from progress to keeping obsolete features, menus, buttons, functions, workflows on "life support".

Yes, having all redundant pickers hidden by default will reduce clutter, but will it reduce bugs? As code will have to be maintained. Not kept, but maintained re-tested constantly with changes & updates. Fixed. So yes, better than nothing. I guess JJJ and Audiotrack are right, about keeping them for transitional period and then bye bye.

So far there are 3 REAL reasons voiced.

1)Moultipass - that has to do with convenience of few buttons being upfront.
2) Lee- (from another post) - an option for MTP to stay on "top"
3)People get used to it - transition period.

Please, those who casts their voice "against", kindly cite specific issues, bugs or limitations that you are having with MTP Library (that are absent from legacy picker(s))
Thank you.