If you have Windows BIAB/RB, I recommend Realband for preparing MIDI harmonies for Synth V.

Realband definitely streamlines creating MIDI harmony

1) Start Realband and click on the Tracks View.
It's on the top row of icons and to the right of 'Copy' and 'Cut'.

2) Open a MGU file that contains MIDI melody on the Melody track.

3) RB will automatically generate the backing tracks.
It's a little slower than BIAB because the tracks are generated fully before playback begins.

4) Stop the automatic playback once it starts.
The Stop button is on the bottom left of the screen with the other transport buttons.

5) Click on the Melody track. Press CTRL+A to select it all.

6) Under the Generate menu at the top of the window, select "Generate MIDI harmony".
Select a harmony... I usually use #50 (3 parts... 1 x unison, 1 x above, 1 x below)

7) When the option window appears, select "Put harmonies onto multiple new tracks".

8) To save each of the generated MIDI harmony tracks to a file...

  • Click on the track.
  • Press CTRL+A to select the whole track.
  • Right click on the selected track and right at the bottom of the menu that appears, select "Track" and then "Save track to file".
  • For the file type, select "MIDI" and give the file a name.

The MIDI files are now ready for Synth V.

Audiophile BIAB 2024