Originally Posted by MusicVillain
Originally Posted by Thunderthud
Only briefly looked at it. The audio edit window showed the end of the track for a change ,and where I placed the marker on the volume automation line stayed put when I started playback.

So a solid maybe.

I encountered the same problem. Playback is not the same as volume automation node. It comes several bars early or late.

2024 is bad.

I will be reverting back to BiaB 2023.

Sorry, I think you may have misinterpreted what I had said. I didn't see the problem when I did my "brief" check and I just went back in to try on another song. tt appears to work okay, with the volume automation staying where I put it, and behaving properly. At least for now it looks okay.

Wish I could say the same for the "F5 Bar Settings issue".