If you want to keep up with all the new stuff offered, it sure would get expensive. It's up to the person how much they want.

I thought long and hard about what package to buy, having never experienced this software other than many years ago- a mere shell of what it is now. All I had to go on was the demos. I finally went with the ultra package ONLY because I picked it up on ebay at an amazing price. 2010 ultra at 230 bucks? Oh yea, I was in!

Now having had it and used it all for a while, I like it all a lot but I can't help thinking I would have been disappointed buying at full price. I think everything included is awesome and biab is great. But RB has a LONG way to go and for me, it remains glitchy and clunky- including the midi side. But I am pleased to se how well the software is constantly supported. But as prices add up, I would hope they put out quality, bug free [as much as possible] updates and bring realband up to speed. It should be, and must be imo, biabs perfect mate. At the moment, it's a challenge. But the potential is huge.

Long and short, all of pg's software is only as expensive as you make it.
