Thanks Matt for your reply. We're on the same wavelength here.
Thanks for explaining the distinction between the SGU and MGU files and copyright.

I agree there is tremendous variety out there in terms of SGU quality and faithfulness to the original chords (extensions) etc. But then again, as I brought to light recently in another thread, the blame can't always be put on the creator of the SGU files. BIAB isn't very reliable in delivering precise chords that have been input.

I visited Norton's site many years ago and again today, and have never found any of his output to be
of use for me in terms of quality and faithfulness. The songs I listened to today were midi-based except for the drums. This is clearly out of date concerning what's possible today with real tracks.

I found another commercial site that apparently has complied most/all of the Real Book songs.
I listened to a few of their songs and they're fine. All they have done is taken the time to input the chords into BIAB and let BIAB do its job. The site is

What I'm looking for is a little more than this. First, a site that shares these files freely.
And second, song files that are more than simply bare bones vessels.
It would be cool if the songs had the hippest of changes.
And even more cool, if the arranger found a way to choose the best style appropriate with
custom bass lines, stops/shots etc.

I know I know, you'll tell me I'm dreaming. smile
But it is 2024 and times a tickin'. It's possible.
Will it ever happen?

In the meantime I will just have to struggle to get some decent sounding tracks made, the ol' fashioned way.

A BIAB user for more than 30 years (if you can believe it) !