Originally Posted by Matt Finley
Originally Posted by BIABman
I started with a full installation to a USB disk and then just copied the RealTracks/Drums that I will use to my d: drive.
I was told that because I didn't have a full Realtracks/Drums installation I was doomed (paraphrasing).
It seems every time I will go into the stylepicker I will come up short.
It won't display everything that's available to me (not even close).
I do not entirely agree with that "I was told" advice.

Every year, I copy only those new RealTracks I know I will need to the backup machine that I keep in another location. I have never had a problem with BIAB finding them, and indexing works fine.

Caveat: I do keep all the RealDrums - they are relatively smaller. And I do copy over all the folders that have style data in them, plus all the files in the /bb top level folder. I suspect I'm getting various indexing and supporting files that you aren't getting. In other words, I copy all the small files and only omit the large ones that are the RealTracks I will never use. Eliminating the rock and country guitars alone reduces the size by half.

Thanks Matt, that's encouraging. I'm going to experiment and see if I can come up with something close to yours.
I'll start with RealDrums.

Can you tell me which folders have 'style data'?
Top level /bb folder meaning bbw.exe files or something else?

One thing I'm confused about is why BIAB told me I had 7371 styles, when
they clearly are not available for me to use.
Why give me this number when
a) it doesn't list 7371 styles?
b) many styles won't load/play because I am missing RealTracks on my drive?

A BIAB user for more than 30 years (if you can believe it) !