Man, this is great!

I like both the musical hook and of course that empty shoe box hook is just wonderful for the lyric.

This is one great sound and tune all around.

Man I tell you Tommy, you could probably write a song about an old empty toilet paper roll and it would sound great.

I'm not trying to egg you on or anything or say that you might want to think about this, but all I'm saying is man you could probably write a song about an old empty toilet paper roll that someone forgot to replace and it would sound awesome.

Not that I think you should actually do it but I think you could write a song about an empty toilet paper roll sitting there and it gives a person some memories of the last sheet of toilet paper that they used in their life before they became so broke they had to start using the newspaper or tree leaves because America was in such bad shape economically or something.

Yeah I'm not saying you should do something like that, but all I'm saying is that man is as much talent as you got you could probably write a song about the decline of America just by writing about an empty toilet paper roll sitting there in an abandoned gas station with a person sitting there wondering where all the good stuff went to, while the creaky old metal door of the dirty gas station bathroom is wide open and they're looking out over a desperate landscape of an American apocalypse and an old empty toilet paper roll while some guy is sitting there without any toilet paper strumming his guitar writing a song about America.

I'm not saying that you should actually do that but man I know that you could, just write a song about an old empty toilet paper roll.


P.S. Never mind...Tommy I wrote the toilet paper roll song last night, I couldn't hold off. Be back next week.

You Inspire me man!!!!!!!
