Originally Posted by David Snyder
Great!! Very cool!!

My father-in-law, God bless his sainted name, Jack Robinson, came from that generation.

Fresh out of Cornell University, and joining the army as an engineering officer, quickly rising through the ranks, he was placed in charge of all of the US machine gun factories, primarily responsible for making sure that the machine guns were up to spec when people got off the boats at Normandy and stuff.

Hell of a guy. Smart as hell and friendly as hell and loved his Scotch. He also was written up in the New York Times as having invented the first financial forecast modeling calculator for manufacturing by taping together three paper slide rules, along with a short instruction manual.

Yes there will never be another generation like that. Never ever ever. My father-in-law never could understand why he could do more stuff in his head than most other people could do with a computer and a phone loaded with 50 apps.

Plus he was one of the funniest guys that I've ever met.

There's a great series on Netflix (or there used to be) called World War II in Color and you can see what that generation was like.

Mind boggling.

Thanks for this great song that celebrates this generation.

Every one of us owe them a huge debt of gratitude. We literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them.
Hey David, thanks so much for the favorable review and the amplification of the theme I tried to express.

Jack, sounded like one heck of a guy and I'm sure I would have gotten on with him quite well. I still have my high school slide rule and over my career I also worked on weapon systems.

The next time you visit him, do pass on my thoughts.

Hey Pops, I know it's been awhile but I've been busy lately. Anyway, there's this dude I recently met. They call him Bass Thumper. He can be a bit of a wack-a-doodle at times but basically he's ok. I shared a little about your contributions during the war at the gun factory and he agrees with Tom that you guys were the greatest generation ever. He also said to pass on just 5 simple words to you . . . "Thank you, job well done!"

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.