Originally Posted by Rob Helms
Herbster, good deal! So glad you're on the mend. We do need some more GH songs here on the forum. Been a fan since the early days! I sometimes have to smile when i think of how long we have both been on this home recording music journey. Back in the old Cakewalk music creator days with guys like beagle and others. Having things like this to be a place to go when we feel like being creative helps with the other things in life. Sometimes it takes a little nudge to remember the real important stuff like health, life, family, and faith just to name a few. I am glad you took the necessary steps to get help.

Those heady good old days when we were all having a good time and learning about this home recording thing. Thanks for the reminder. Yes, I'll be getting back to work here on some new music. Stay tuned.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.