I agree at live gigs where they serve fajita, nobody cares. Nobody ever goes there saying "wow i hope theres a band playing, it will make dinner so much better"

if they do look for music, it's at a club/restaurant designed for that venue.

Nobody ever cares about live music in the run of the mill public place. Ive done gigs alone with sequenced tracks up the gazoo, nobody ever asked for a specific song. Most people walk by as if you were a ornament in the place.

you get your occasional "what are you doing here, would you sing at my wedding" course, 99% of the time they never contact you anyway.

I have one video of me playing in a bar and you can see three guys shooting pool the whole time, im not even sure they realized music was being played for three hours.

So If u can get a gig like that, by all means use your biab and midi stuff, but this conversation was mostly geared towards home recording.

How is biab going to hold up if I record original songs with it, thats the focus of the conversation.

Last edited by Playin In The Band; 07/30/10 09:39 AM.