I've just started to enter lyrics into BIAB as part of live playing. I've been using large notebooks on a music stand, stand light, and all the rest to set up. Boy, things are much simpler on the laptop screen. However, I'm discovering a few things. The Movable Notation Window works fine for many tunes (4 measures at a showing). But many of the traditional standard tunes are too wordy to get everything displayed to match in sync with the scrolling chords. I first discoved this with "Everything Happens To Me". You can abbreviate the words and cut-out the spaces, but then it becomes so cryptic that I can't read it. The Big Lyrics window is too small for me. With the Lead Sheet window, I can't figure out if lyrics can be added to that. And, even then, many times the entire tune doesn't show on my screen in Lead Sheet mode. What would be neat in my application would be the availability of the full screen like that of the Lyric Documentation window and the placement of chords above the lyrics (double or triple-spaced), so that the entire tune can be seen at once---sort of like sheet music I guess. Maybe this can be done in BIAB and I've just not figured it out. Such an option would really assist with "wordy" songs that have multiple verses.