
Hi Pat...thanks for your nice comments. I actually did play around with bringing in some RT/RD files on this project but the concensus was in favor of the converted MIDI...go figure. I've become a HUGE fan of the RT/RD capabilities of BIAB. It's cut hours off our creation time and of course $$$$ off the client's bill. I can't believe how far this product has come in ten years I've owned it. Particularly since the inclusion of RT/RD. Rather amazing.

BTW...have you heard of any problems running RB in 64bit Windows? BIAB and the DAW plugin run fine, but RB crashes when trying to open a BIAB file. Suggestions?


It really *IS* an amazing product... it does more of what *I* want to do with music software than any other software I've tried (and I've pretty much tried them all).

Regarding your question about RB...I'm still using 2009.5, so my experience may not be indicative of what you might find in the latest version. There has been quite a bit of discussion on the forum about using the software on 64 bit operating systems, and you would learn more by tracking down those threads than you would from me. But I haven't had the problem you mention. My biggest "gotcha" was having to buy new audio-midi input devices because my old ones did not have drivers available for Win7x 64... but that isn't a PGMusic problem.

I really like all the music you've posted so far... I look forward to hearing more!