, do I know what you mean!! My first original album recorded at Colorado Sound (Westminster, CO) cost over $21,000 to produce. And even though I had a well-known producer with a track record and a veritable "who's who" of studio musicians, I had no idea how the songs would turn out until the project was over. With BIAB, I know, and can show a client, what a fairly close final version of a song might sound like. This saves TONS of time and money when creating original music, and the final product is always something the client had envisioned. Of course there's more to producing a new song, and my job as producer is to provide logistical support and bring in pro sidemen to add a polished sound, as well as to recommend song structure options, such as modulation or a bridge etc., but BIAB helps put us on the right track from the start. I wonder sometimes if the folks at PGM really realize what a boon to songwriters (and producers) this software has become. Also, singer/songwriters who are interested in selling there songs to TV/movies, LA, NY, or Nashville can join and use BIAB as the perfect showcase for their submissions. How much easier could it get?? Now you can concentrate all your efforts on writing a great song, knowing that when you're done, you can producer it, and get it out to the market or in the hands of fans/friends with little or no production cost.

Thanks for listening,