Having had a couple of my songs covered in the 70s and also having quite a few rejected which can be painful to the pride for us songwriters who write to look for a deal. Remember there are many Simon Cowells out there who will listen to your songs (thats if you can get it to the top of their cd pile)and will really say what they think whether good or bad.There are other songwriters who write just for the pleasure of creating music and arent really that much interested in trying to get a publishing deal.I believe there are songwriters like these on every music forum that Ive been on (and believe me Ive been on a few over the years) including this one.For those writers who believe in their songs and have had them rejected time and time again dont give up because one day someone will see in that song something others have missed.But and this is crucial YOU have to be your worst critic and if you hear weak points in your song dont just leave it in but work to find something that fits much better.Hope this helps it still helps me because this info was given to me by a top publishing exec at Warner Bros .

AMD Athlon 7550 dual core
processor 2.51 ghz
1 87 gb ram
windows 7 Ultimate
yamaha rev 500 effects
tacam DP-24 DAW
Samson Resolv NF monitors
Yamaha PSR-620 Keyboard
Fender semi accoustic guitar