How did you get introduced to BIAB?
A salesman in Sam Ash recommended it. I had been using a hardware unit, the Yamaha QY10, and was looking to upgrade. He convinced me that software was the better way to go (he was right).

What year/version was it?
About 1993. BIAB Version 4.

What kind of computer did you have at the time?
PCs that I built (then as now).

Was it a successful experience right away??
Absolutely. I was used to programming songs from the Yamaha. This was similar, but better. I also already knew music theory and was an experienced computer programmer (and comp sci professor).

Have you changed your gear to accommodate BIAB in any way?
Yes. I build my computers and select all peripherals based on their performance with BIAB and SONAR.

Has BIAB influenced how/why you play music?
Yes, dramatically. It gave my composing a large boost.

Have you used it mostly for practice, performance, recording, instruction, other?
All of these. My CD, "Brazilian Wish", has nine songs composed in BIAB that I took into a major studio with only minor arranging alterations. I recently recorded another CD with my percussionist (his album) and we did eight more of my songs, again all composed in BIAB. We first worked together with BIAB to fit my chords and melodies to his ideas for Latin percussion, which I could audition in RealDrums. By the time we hit the studio, we knew the sounds we wanted. I am often hired to do horn arrangements for other people's CDs, and I use BIAB to transcribe their songs, then experiment writing hooks and horn lines before I record them.

Any other observations not listed here?
I can play almost any wind instrument, but almost no rhythm instruments. BIAB immediately gave me what I was missing to be able to compose and hear my songs without having to find a keyboard player or guitarist. It's a life and career-changing program.

BIAB 2024 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 6.5 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6; Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus Studio 192, Presonus Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors