It was 1993... I just sprung over 2 grand for a new "state of the art" IBM clone as they used to call it. It was a 486 with 2mb ram and a 250mb HD. I was running Windows 3.1... I used to love it when I'd start up my system and got the DOS prompt, where I would type "win" and Windows would start up. Back then most software came from other people... there wasn't very much talk about pirate stuff. I had the newest BB version along with Powertracks that were given to me on a couple of 3.5 floppys. I also had I think, 2 more floppys with the styles. Getting this software pushed me to get a Roland Rap-10 sound card - $300. It also made me go out and pay $300.00 for another 2mb of ram. Once I made a recording on my Yahama 4 track recorder (yep... bought one of those too because of BB) I would blow family and friends away with the professional sound they heard from my cassettes.

I seemed to slowly get away from doing my computer music stuff because of trying to work 2 jobs... music 6 nights a week and a day job 5 days a week. This schedule really didn't leave a lot of time for anything else. However, that being said, I gave up the music job a few years ago and really didn't think I would miss it. A year and a half ago I stumbled on to this site, started listening to the demos and getting answers to all the questions I had pertaining to BB/RB, took a deep breath and ordered the whole shabang. One of the best investments I've ever made. Once I started using BB I realized that I really did miss the music job... not the clubs... just the music. BB has put the interest back in to it. Now my family and friends are blown away when they hear my CD's... heh. How times have changed.
