Nice work. People have already pointed out the good stuff in the song, and they're right.

I like the way you used the electric guitar to create a solo on the intro. It's too bad there's no "Mellow Acoustic Guitar Soloist" yet. Have you thought about using the Soloist Dire Ev 140 here? Soloist Blue BB Ev 085 also sounds good.

You might want to consider lowering the guitar once the first verse comes in, and wait to until "Like a soldier..." and build to the chorus.

Speaking of build, I like what you've done to add some variety and build to the song. For example, the drums on the intro, and the change in guitars on the bridge. These are things that really help keep the song alive.

I think the vocals can be brought out better, especially at the beginning. Adding a boost around 1600Hz and a small cut to the bass helps. Even then, some vocals - such as "Working in ways I cannot see" are still too quiet in the mix.

As Daisy alludes to, it's best to place everything in its own sonic range with EQ. This often means adding a slight EQ boost for something like vocals at frequencies you want to emphasize, and adding cuts at those same frequencies to instruments that overlap in those frequencies.

I'm not a huge fan of songs with too many rhymes - the kill the "naturalness" of the language. And you've got a chorus filled with -ide rhymes in the chorus. Of course, that's a personal preference. I don't think many here agree with me.

Life can be unkind doesn't really add anything. Do you expect that life isn't unkind? Are you expecting that the problems of life disappear if you're a believer? If not, then why include this line?

My God will provide Is another cliche. What will be provided? The tools to win a battle? A way to grow your faith? More faith?

A little nagging voice of doubt/Rising up to shout Is it a "little" voice" or a "shouting" voice? Changing "little" to something like "constant" would resolve this.

Deliverance will come/The victory is already won is another cliche. You seem to be mixing two different victories - the anticipated victory over your crisis of faith, and Christ's victory over death. But how are the two related? If victory is "already won", then why do you even need to wait?

Although I really love the sound of the chorus, why Oh me, oh my? That line is typically used as an expression of woe. What's it doing in this song? I haven't a clue. (But the harmonies sound great).

It seems to me that you've set up a sort of "feel good" song, with the message: Have faith that your weak faith will eventually be strengthened. So the solution to a crisis of faith is... to have faith?

You're heavy on generalities, and short on specifics. That bugs me. (But apparently, not many other folk. Consider that when reading the comments that follow! )

Personally, I'm not sure that a crisis of faith is a bad thing, and something that needs to be overcome.

I'll make the argument that you don't need to drown out your doubts. Those doubts will always be with you, and the size of your doubts isn't a measure of your faith. Rather, what little faith you've got is enough.

And he says to them, Because of your little faith: for truly I say to you, If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, Be moved from this place to that; and it will be moved; and nothing will be impossible to you.

So, I think I disagree with your thesis. But good job anyway!