I'm a little surprised to read all the resistance to automated music making intelligence in the BIAB forum! By using BIAB you already accept the premise that as a musician or performer you can't do everything, so you rely on technology to fill in the blanks

I am a firm believer in pursuing excellence according to my own ability... but I don't think that is contrary to the goal of using available technology to help me do a better job in areas that aren't my core strengths.

IMO, this is ultimately a discussion about the pursuit of music in a traditional way as opposed to the pursuit of music as a hybrid human/technological phenomenon. My personal expectations for music lie firmly in both camps. I like personal excellence on real instruments, but I also respect the open-minded embracing of new ideas and innovative ways to make music.

Stated differently, technology itself has become an instrument to learn and master

Last edited by Pat Marr; 11/13/10 07:18 AM.